#Amplify Women’s History Month 2024

March 29, 2024
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To celebrate Women’s History Month, we were excited to #Amplify four women authors (Allison Anderson, K.A. Gandy, Jamie Kojola, and E.P. Bali), where they discussed their favorite female main character they wrote and why they feel connected to them.

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we were excited to #Amplify four women authors (Allison Anderson, K.A. Gandy, Jamie Kojola, and E.P. Bali), where they discussed their favorite female main character they wrote and why they feel connected to them.

It has been an honor to spotlight and work with so many amazing women creators. Even as this month comes to a close, it’s not lost in our minds the role we must play to amplify the voices and stories of women both within and beyond the publishing industry.

Watch all four videos below.

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