Aaron Shedlock
About the Performer
I’m funny, quirky, passionate, and a huge nerd. But, I also have a darker edge. I’m fascinated by the strange and unusual. I’m a bit whacky, but in a lovable goofy kind of way. A jester, a harlequin, a Mad Hatter, unafraid to put myself in the crosshairs of humility! I’m curious and utterly obsessed with learning new things. I love books, games, movies, and TOYS! I still have the imagination of a child and am deeply inspired by the creativity of others. Above all, I care. I’m humble. I’m considerate. I love with all of my heart and I want to make the world a better place with my chosen forms of art. Even if that just means making someone smile every now and again.
Books From The Performer
The Hunted Heir
The Veiled Kingdom
The Heart
Magic in the Moonlight
The Mind
On My Knees
Writing the Rules
Shattered Secrets
Eight Seconds to Ride
Whiskey Nights and Neon Dreams
Doctor's Surprise Twins
Tempt Our Fate
A Crossover Adventure
The Merger
Blue Marguerite
The Holly Dates
Loving Demons
Rewrite Our Story
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