Situation Sports Rom Com
A knock at my door reveals a very pregnant woman. Good news: I’m not the father of her baby. Bad news: I am the father of the baby her sister is carrying. I’m the bad boy, rock star, playboy ice hockey star. I collect paychecks and shell out broken hearts. Now I’m collecting the storm of pregnancy hormones and shelling out foot rubs. How am I supposed to go from the hottest bachelor in the world… to being called ‘Dad’? Wren Thanks to fate – and a potential bear attack – I end up pregnant by an ice hockey player. But what am I supposed to do? Just show up and knock on the rich star athlete’s luxury apartment door, then caress my pregnant belly? Well, that’s exactly what I should do. Only my sister decides to get involved. Next thing I know I’m spending more time with Abel than I ever dreamed of. There’s no way a guy like him would really want me. Something has to go wrong here. Then one day I see a text message not meant for me and it all suddenly makes sense. But at least I know what Abel’s end game is now.