A new Inspector who covets Earth's technology. Breakthroughs in propulsion, shielding, and weaponry. An aging Ancient struggling to continue. A Confederation on the verge of civil war. Remarkable discoveries that change everything. The Ascendancy Saga continues!
It's been a year since the Enemy home world was destroyed. There have been no additional Enemy sightings, but the 3F Defensive Alliance continues to grow. The trade between worlds has sparked prosperity throughout the sector. But trouble brews in Andromeda. The Central Council holds a secret meeting, condemning Earth for continuing to hold the spy Ju-Ne. They authorize an armada to travel to Earth to collect the prisoner—by force if necessary. As Earth prepares to be attacked, Eugene and Kelly come up with breakthroughs to strengthen the Space Force. Then, the unexpected happens... Another fast-paced page-turner from D. Ward Cornell. Buckle your seat belt and get ready for the ride!