Everyone treats me differently now.
Like I'm this broken doll with glue sealing the cracks. It's okay. I can handle their pitying stares. But not his. Not Nicoli's. I hate the way he looks at me like I'm this fragile thing he's too afraid to touch. I want him to love me the way he did before this nightmare started. He needs to realize that I'm stronger than he thinks. I'm not a victim, and I'm more than a survivor. I'm a fighter. And while Nicoli and his brothers hunt the man responsible, I'm plotting my own revenge. This isn't a Dark Sovereign war. It's mine. I didn't come out on the other side of this as a weaker woman. I came out a stronger queen. And Nicoli needs to see that. He has to stop blaming himself. I don't. After all, he did save me in the end... didn't he? Or is the worse still to come? Unveiled is book six in the Dark Sovereign series, and concludes Nicoli and Mira's story. Nicoli and His Queen need to be listened to before Unveiled.