Writing down your dreams…that sounded pretty harmless right? Turned out, I was sort of good at it.
Turned out, it made a good book. Because who knew you could make money from writing about the man of your dreams? Who knew it would pay to fantasize about a fictional character you had fallen in love with. But most of all, who knew that one day, a set of doors would open, and you would find out that he wasn't fictional at all...that he was real. I had no idea writing could be so dangerous. But when you're writing about a Demonic Overlord—an Enforcer named Kaiden Wrath — anything is possible. I'm dreaming of him in trouble, knowing I'm the only one who knows how to save him—the only one who can save the Demon I am are obsessed with. All I have to do is find him, and then quickly save myself from a Demon's Wrath.