Deserted by a father I can no longer remember, I'm used to being alone; my only companions the cheerful sea nymphs who frequent my shipwreck.
Lately, something powerful brews inside me—an aching restlessness to explore the dark depths beyond my cave. Then I meet Ari, a beguiling merman who tempts me past the edges of my territory. He introduces me to the glittering world of the Sea Syndicate and its ruler, King Triton. The sea is a far more dangerous place than I realized, and together, the males rule it with a heavy hand. What's more, they want to rule me, too. Each dominant in their own way, they teach me all about my body—and theirs—introducing me to unfathomable pleasure and sinful obedience. But there's a dark side to their world. I can't shake the feeling Triton and Ari aren't the devoted males they seem. When a predatory darkness rises from the ocean's depths, we have no choice but to confront the sins of the past to keep the Sea Syndicate safe. Once the silt settles, will the weight of age-old secrets be too much to repair our broken bonds?