A skilled hero with more kills than he can count discovers not all power has limits—but it sure has a price—as this action-packed series continues.
Since being displaced from Earth, Victor has achieved more than any being could have dreamed. He elevated himself from the brutal slave pits of Fanwath to become a battle lord known to all as a nigh-unstoppable warrior. His journey has been chaotic, but that doesn't mean he's left his humanity behind.
Victor has gathered a cadre of friends who've followed him into blood-drenched combat, including, in particular, the desirable-yet-dangerous Valla. Now, on the world of Sojourn, where he's under the tutelage of a Spirit Caster who can show him a completely new plane of existence to explore, he's trying to balance his own destiny and ambitions with the safety of his companions.
But before Victor can ascend to even greater heights, his master needs him to visit yet another realm to save his long-lost kin. Unfortunately, simple defeat is no longer an option. It's either victory or death. Well, nobody ever got anywhere by being human all the time . . .
The eighth volume of the hit LitRPG adventure series—with more than a million views on Royal Road—now available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook!